Repost from @enx108 using @RepostRegramApp – IF YOU LOVE ELEPHANTS GET OFF YOUR ASS & SIGN link in my bio We all need to stop this!!! Latest predictions there will be no elephants left in the wild by 2020 @wildlifesos (@get_repost) ・・・ Just a few hours ago, we were devastated to learn that President Trump decided to lift the ban on importing elephant hunting trophies into the United States. Without going into detail, we’re certain you can imagine the lethal consequences of this ill-conceived action. But we will not let it happen without a fight. Together we have worked so hard to help elephants in so many ways; and your signatures on petitions have brought about lasting change in the past. With that in mind, we have drafted another petition with the confidence that if we raise our voices together we can prevent this protective ban from being demolished. Let’s be relentless. It starts with signing this petition and spreading the word. Link on our bio . . . . . .

Repost from @enx108 using @RepostRegramApp - IF YOU LOVE ELEPHANTS GET OFF YOUR ASS &  SIGN link in my bio  We all need to stop this!!! Latest predictions there will be no elephants left in the wild by 2020  @wildlifesos (@get_repost)
Just a few hours ago, we were devastated to learn that President Trump decided to lift the ban on importing elephant hunting trophies into the United States. Without going into detail, we're certain you can imagine the lethal consequences of this ill-conceived action. 
But we will not let it happen without a fight. Together we have worked so hard to help elephants in so many ways; and your signatures on petitions have brought about lasting change in the past. With that in mind, we have drafted another petition with the confidence that if we raise our voices together we can prevent this protective ban from being demolished. Let's be relentless. It starts with signing this petition and spreading the word.
Link on our bio 

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