
The Nutcracker by BabyLit is now available, and it is a dance primer (seen here, the Soldiers)

The Nutcracker by BabyLit is now available, and it is a dance primer (seen here, the Arabian dancers)

The Nutcracker by BabyLit is now available, and it is a dance primer (seen here, the Russian dancers)

The Nutcracker by BabyLit is now available, and it is a dance primer (seen here, the dolls)

More foxes

Happy fox

Sleepy fox

New paintings up on my site (pure-sugar.com/paintings) this one is "Lilacs and Strawberries"

Prints from Anne of Green Gables are now up in my shop, featuring "Garden" with hidden bunny (pure-sugar.com/shop)


Anne of Green Gables by BabyLit is now available, and it is a very sweet primer about places (seen here, foggy cows)

Currently on my home page: foxes of fire island (pure-sugar.com) .

Anne of Green Gables by BabyLit is now available, and it is a very sweet primer about places (seen here, the sea with a contemplative bunny)

Anne of Green Gables by BabyLit is now available, and it is a very sweet primer about places (seen here, the brook with a busy beaver)

New paintings up on my site (pure-sugar.com/paintings)

Bugs I illustrated for Jane Eyre, butterfly


Bugs I illustrated for Jane Eyre, ladybug


Bugs I illustrated for Jane Eyre, caterpillar


Bugs I illustrated for Jane Eyre, beetle


Bugs I illustrated for Jane Eyre, butterfly


Bugs I illustrated for Jane Eyre, dragonfly


Bugs I illustrated for Jane Eyre, moth


Still up! Union, a collection of my still lifes, is showing at The Shala Yoga House (815 Broadway) May 25-July 30. Stop by and see them and also take a yoga class at the sweetest yoga school in town.

Currently on my home page: a butterfly in the meadow (pure-sugar.com) .

Central Park

Our two new BabyLit books are available for pre-order now!

Central Park

Limited edition silkscreens are now on sale for $50 in my shop (pure-sugar.com/shop/limited-edition) -- editions of 50, signed and numbered

Central Park

Central Park

Central Park

Central Park

Union, a collection of my still lifes, is showing at The Shala Yoga House (815 Broadway) May 25-July 30. Stop by and see them and also take a yoga class at the sweetest yoga school in town.

Central Park

Our books in Argentina at @dondevivenloslibros (gracias @cocobooks_ ) @writerjenadams

Central Park

Central Park

Central Park

Central Park

Rainy Central Park

Union, a collection of my still lifes, is showing at The Shala Yoga House (815 Broadway) May 25-July 30. Stop by and see them and also take a yoga class at the sweetest yoga school in town.

Lilacs and chamomile

Lilacs and chamomile


Moonbeam makes her debut as an illustration. 

