Nothing makes me happier than seeing Moon at @lino_microllibreria in @casabonay and she has some good friends along with her!

My photos don’t do it justice, but here is Gaudi’s

Bookmarks by @llibreriasendak — great design!

I didn’t think I could love more but now they have a perfectly selected bookstore,

Thank you @llibreriasendak and @cocobooks_  for an awesome bug-making event! My bug, Bee-a-trix, ’s Barcelona!


Satan’s Coffee is kinda like fight club

The very special Plom Gallery features art for kids.

Hola Barcelona!

I  you Chandal! Thanks for making my day!

I'm so happy to have my silkscreens at Plom Gallery in Barcelona! If you are in the area please check them out--Plom is a contemporary art gallery for kids. ?


at @lacentral_llibreria in

Los animales

A beautiful day with my Spanish publisher, muchas gracias @cocobooks_ (in my fave dress with tiny strawberries by @eppersonn )  @babylitbooks

Big Keith Haring in

I love Chandal @babylitbooks

Satan makes great coffee

At in good company @babylitbooks
