Professor Hawkins is back for to brief you on the life of the author of Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes. He's filing his taxes though so he's in a bit of a rush. Go to @babylitbooks for the scoop.

Don Quixote prints are now available in my online shop ( And you can buy sets so that DQ has his armor and his armadura.

An early fan of self-help books, Don Quixote wrote his own, The Mirror of Chivalry, one man's tale of self-discovery.

Don Quixote loves a good cry and highly recommends Tears of Angelica by Barahona de Soto

Don Quixote is a sucker for romance. Another book from his library, Fortune of Love.

I asked Don Quixote if he'd show us some of his favorite books, and he agreed. So here is the first, The Lion of Spain.

Hola amigo. Even has a BFF. Meet Sancho Panza. Learn Spanish with Sancho in Don Quixote, now available at

Don Quixote is now available at and it is a Spanish primer.

Don Quixote is now available at and it is a Spanish primer.

The most interesting man in the world has nothing on this guy. Coming soon from @babylitbooks -- Don Quixote (a Spanish primer!)