Still life of things that inspire me in my studio. Heirloom apples from @unsqgreenmarket, a bowl from @fishseddynyc, a piece of driftwood from @farmaxwell, a beautiful piece of fabric by @atelier_to_nani_iro that I got for inspiration when working on a project with @hopegillerman, and the magnificent pink book Heroes: A Tribute by @doug__meyer. Thanks to all the @‘s for helping me stay inspired. .

Still life .


Still life

Still life

Still life .

The Farm Series paintings, now available on my site,

The Farm Series of paintings is now available on my site,

The Farm, September 2019 .

The Farm, September 2019 .

The Farm, September 2019 .

The Farm, September 2019 .

Central Park

Moody quince


Fairy eggplant

More progress on my big landscape

Some progress on my big landscape

Big landscape

Dusk painting in Central Park

Dusk painting in Central Park

Dusk painting in Central Park

Dusk painting in Central Park

Studio interior with lilacs

My painting "Yellow" is living a happy life in the home of art historian Dorothy Gillerman (mother of essential oil genius @hopegillerman) who has a nice collection of stuff

So honored to be part of a group show with a bunch of talented artist-yogis at The Shala Yoga House

Some more quince

Some quince