1970, now 50 years ago, marked a major shift in Corita's work. The Heroes and Sheroes series from just one year prior stands in stark contrast to the introspective and uplifting messages of her work in the 1970s.

Now more than ever, it's "very" important to share your love with the world. Save and share this post to spread Corita's timeless message.
Corita Kent, "very," 1970, serigraph, 23 x 23 inches  2020 The Corita Art Center, The Immaculate Heart Community, Los Angeles.

It’s Corita Day in LA! In honor of her birthday, November 20th has been designated Corita Kent Day. Her message of love, peace and tolerance is even more relevant today.

For the anniversary of the Watts Rebellion, we take an in depth look at Corita's "my people."
Corita Kent, "my people," 1965, serigraph, 23 x 35 inches  2019 The Corita Art Center, The Immaculate Heart Community, Los Angeles

Corita Kent at @beyondthestreetsart