Look what handsome fella is in Maggie Mae's Bookshop giveaway. Go enter here @maggiemaespdx

On display in the window of 192 Books.

Professor Hawkins is back for to brief you on the life of the author of Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes. He's filing his taxes though so he's in a bit of a rush. Go to @babylitbooks for the scoop.

An early fan of self-help books, Don Quixote wrote his own, The Mirror of Chivalry, one man's tale of self-discovery.

Don Quixote loves a good cry and highly recommends Tears of Angelica by Barahona de Soto

Don Quixote is a sucker for romance. Another book from his library, Fortune of Love.

I asked Don Quixote if he'd show us some of his favorite books, and he agreed. So here is the first, The Lion of Spain.

Hola amigo. Even has a BFF. Meet Sancho Panza. Learn Spanish with Sancho in Don Quixote, now available at babylit.com.

Don Quixote is now available at babylit.com and it is a Spanish primer.

Don Quixote is now available at babylit.com and it is a Spanish primer.

The most interesting man in the world has nothing on this guy. Coming soon from @babylitbooks -- Don Quixote (a Spanish primer!)